In one of the projects I worked on recently, we had to use the Drupal date module to display the date field in a custom form. This modules adds a description field that is not always wanted. It can be removed using the following code snippet in your custom module.

Drupal remove date module description

 * implements hook_element_info_alter() 
function MYMODULE_element_info_alter(&$type) {
  if (isset($type['date_popup'])) {
    $type['date_popup']['#process'][] = 'MYMODULE_date_popup_process_alter';

 * function to remove the description from date_popup
 function MYMODULE_date_popup_process_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) {
  return $element;

If you are using Drupal’s Bootstrap base theme the description field becomes the “data-original-title” attribute on the input field, that gets turned into a pretty cool popover, however in our case we didn’t need it. Using the code above I was able to remove it.