In one of the projects I worked on recently, we had to use the Drupal date module to display the date field in a…
Javascript detect touch device Snippet
Probably the most reliable way to detect a touch device would be using the Modernizr jQuery plugin, but in some cases you might not…
Arduino Bluetooth Control with Android
While researching on some Bluetooth issues on Android for a project, I came across this very simple video tutorial on how to use the…
Protect WordPress login, based on IP address – Snippet
One of the best ways to protect your WordPress login form from attackers, is to limit access to it based on IP addresses. This…
Hide Drupal content type from being indexed by Google – Snippet
In some cases you may only want to show specific content types as embedded content in other nodes. For example slideshows or video nodes…
Get rid of Firefox dotted line around links, objects and other elements using CSS – Snippet
Firefox places a border around links, buttons and other focus-able elements. The purpose of this is to visually mark the focused element, this is…
Drupal Clear Cache SQL Commands – Snippet
Drupal Clear Cache SQL Commands should be one of your last resorts. But if for any reason you find yourself in a situation where…
Drupal Bootstrap base theme search button icon override with text, 508 compliance – Snippet
I love Drupal and I love Bootstrap, and the Drupal Bootstrap Base Theme bridges the gap between them nicely, it coats everything with elements…
Add WordPress post category as a body class – Snippet
In one of my WordPress projects I needed to theme some links in the header based on the post’s main category. The easiest way…